Barre is the New Black

Barre is the New Black

“Burn. Breathe. Shake. Repeat”

In my unending pursuit to perfect my exercise regime and keep mixing it up, I stumbled upon the newest exercise craze to hit our shores…barre classes!! For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, it is a complete body workout using ballet barre conditioning, yoga and Pilates. It is designed to tone your body creating longer, leaner muscles without the bulk sometimes caused by lifting weights. The beauty of the class is that it is based on interval training, so your heart rate is raised and lowered leading to fat loss but also focusses on toning those difficult to target areas such as your lower glutes.

I have trialled many different forms of the barre class including Extende Barre (promoted by Les Mills), Booty Barre (a favourite for dancers) and Barre Attack. Without a doubt, Barre Attack is my favourite and in my opinion, most effective. It was designed by Renee Scott (former professional ballerina), owner of Balance Moves at Bondi Beach. It is now practiced all over Australia.

I fell in love with this class immediately, it addressed my concerns in terms of those problem areas most women complain about, butts (who doesn’t want a “peach”?) and legs, and also provided an intense cardio workout. As I’ve said many times before, if it’s good enough for the Victoria’s Secret Angels…it’s good enough for me!! To validate my claim that it really does work, my legs in the past have been described by many as athletic, sporty and muscular and even, by my darling husband…as “chunky”!! Since I started attending Barre Attack classes, I have received compliments on the notable difference in the shape of my legs, rather than “bulky”, they appear longer, leaner and more slender and my husband has even recently complimented me on my “skinny” legs. Seriously, it does really work (and I only attend one or two classes per week)!!

Unfortunately, this particular form of barre class is not currently offered in the Shire (though other versions are practiced here). However, a close friend of mine and fellow Barre addict, has just become a qualified Barre Attack instructor and has kindly offered to share some of her thoughts on this new phenomenon, and in particular, why it is so effective and what you can expect from a class.

Me: Jackie, why do you think that this type of exercise has struck such a chord with the female population? Is it just a craze or fad that won’t stand the test of time?

Jackie: Barre is definitely not a short lived fad or craze.  The concept of Barre fitness was developed by a German ballerina right back in 1959 where famous faces such as Barbara Streisand and Joan Collins used to be regular participants.  The demand for barre has ramped up in the past 10 years as more women are looking to combine safe and effective  techniques used in Pilates with a cardio workout.  It is becoming increasingly popular with barre studios popping up everywhere.

Me: Why is it so effective?

Jackie: Barre is a fantastic way to exercise as it combines strength with fat burn in safe functional movements.  Combining low impact exercise with high intensity training, the choreography is designed to develop lean muscles without bulk, enhance flexibility, strengthen the core,  improve posture and balance.  It’s an all over body workout that is hard on the muscles but not on the joints.

Me: Do you need to be super fit to participate?

Jackie: Barre is for everyone!! I instruct classes that represent women who are young, grandmothers, pregnant women, the superfit and those who are new or returning to exercise.  Correct technique is emphasised and participants are reminded to always focus on working within their  own challenge zone and to never worry about what others are doing around them.  Usually, everyone is working so hard that they don’t even notice anyone else!! There are lots of laughs and adding in a few dance moves here and there adds to the fun as you can let loose and just enjoy moving your body and getting a great work out.

Me: What benefits should you see from participating in a class? And how many times a week do you need to attend to see results?

Jackie: After each class you will be worked from head to toe.  Barres tiny motions and high repetitions are designed to fatigue the muscles forcing it to tone.  It targets the largest muscle groups in the body including the inner and outer  thighs and glutes.  We use balls, thera-bands, sliding discs and hand weights to assist in the workout and to make sure that each class is new and fresh.  As with any type of exercise, consistency is key and you will always see results from moving your body.  Attending 2 times per week is ideal.

So if you’re a thwarted ballerina or always envied a ballerina’s physique, join me and feel the pull of the plie, the stretch of an attitude and the burn of a releve and then let me know whether you love it as much as I do and countless others! I guarantee you will become addicted!!


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